“Growing up here, I always had something to go to late. Coming back during the beginning of Covid, the biggest shock to me was how many of the places I used to go no longer exist or are replaced by businesses that closed at 7 or 8 instead of 10 or 11… I want to support the idea that staying open late is an economic benefit thing AND it’s a safety thing. And we can temporarily incentivize those businesses to try to stay open an extra hour.”

– Sameer Kanal

Sameer Kanal, a relative newcomer to the City Council District 2 scrum, gets wonky with us in this episode (note for transparency purposes that Kip and Sameer work together on PCCEP).

We talk about what he learned from his years working with the Model United Nations, his experience working for the city of Portland and community safety including how to shore up Portland Street Response, and improving data accessibility across city government. And so much more.

Sameer Kanal’s website: https://www.kanalforportland.com/

Sameer and Tim
Sameer and Tim

Sameer Kanal

By Kip S

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